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di yi造句

"di yi"是什么意思  
  • He will be composing a song named di yi ci to record all the 1st time entering the entertainment circle
  • F2 : i want some baozi , but i cannot speak chinese and incognizant to the road , i hear that di yi lou ' s are tasted good , i really want some
    外国游客2 :我想去吃包子,但我不会说汉语,而且我不认识路,听说开封的“第一楼”包子特别好吃,我很想去尝尝。
  • It's difficult to see di yi in a sentence. 用di yi造句挺难的
如何用di yi造句,用di yi造句di yi in a sentence, 用di yi造句和di yi的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。